Saturday, February 14, 2009


Today is the day I should probably be all snide and single and say mean things about Valentine's Day. I should glare at rose bouquets and pop Mylar balloons with complete disdain.

But I'm not really one of those people.
I actually have a really strange habit of confusing Valentine's Day with Thanksgiving. But never vice versa. Thanksgiving is Thanksgiving. Valentine's Day is... Thanksgiving.

I dunno.

What I do know is that I'm not a sap but that doesn't make me spiteful, either.
I've never been a Valentine's-y girlfriend.
It's just not a holiday built around the things I'm into.
I don't need a show. I don't need dinner. I do like chocolate and flowers but I don't expect them simply because it's the middle of February.
It is what it is.
Some people love it.
Some people hate it.
And I just don't really put too much thought into it. Single or otherwise.
My most amazing relationship moments have never happened on a Valentine's Day. My best kiss-- the one I was most excited about ever-- happened during the first week of an October.
The best gift I ever received from a boy was an impromptu Christmas gift.

So happy Valentine's Day.
If you celebrate, I hope you have a really great and mushy one.
If you are single, don't get caught up in it. Get a massage. Masturbate. Go see a movie. There's a new Friday the 13th if you're feeling especially down...

And. Because love doesn't have to come in the form of a heart-shaped box, I am utilizing my own favorite forum to express love in my own way.
Music is really where my heart lives all day, every day, anyway.
... That will probably be the statement that turns me into a cat lady in twenty years. But for right now, it's okay.

Happy Valentine's Day!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

I Get By With A Little Help...

Some of my friends are in the midst of booking the first tour for their band.
I'm actually really proud of and happy for them.
My closest friends are the ones who've stood up and paved their own paths. They've built their own lives based on what they want to accomplish with their time and their talents.
If you want my respect, work for what you have and what you want.
If you are the company you keep, then they raise the standard for me.

One friend works for one of the major conglomerate movie companies in L.A. Another works for the World Bank. Anne is a professor at a Public Ivy League college...

I'm proud of you guys, even though I'd flinch inside a little if I knew that any of you actually read this...

I saw Milk yesterday.
I have a really soft spot in my heart for Emile Hirsch.
I really, really liked the movie. It was the exact tone of all of my favorite movies: quiet, thoughtful... sad but still hopeful.

The trailer even features part of my favorite line from the movie: I don't do losing. Ever.

Me and you both, Emile.