Thursday, March 12, 2009

One Week Of Sun.

This week.
I don't think it's rained at all this week, which is a nice change. I don't mind the rain. I was raised in the Pacific Northwest. We're built for it. But like rain, sunshine has a certain needed quality, too. I'm a fan of both. Too much of either leaves me gloomy.

I'm one step away from being elated with the website: I hate the banner.
No... I don't hate it. I'm thankful for it. It's neat and it was a gift. Someone made it for me and if he hadn't, I simply wouldn't have a banner. But it was made for the first version of the site and it doesn't fit the newer version the way I'd like it to.
It's like being 30 and still using your Mickey Mouse sheets on your twin bed: better than nothing but probably not ideal.

I [redacted for your sake] the coding of the site and things are now running much faster.
I'm a geek.

We have new writers. I went over that. I'm still excited.

I got new books. One I expect to enjoy very much.

I finally transcribed one of the interviews that has been taunting me over the past few weeks. It's long and I was afraid it would be boring.
It's not.
It's very good.
In terms of editing and arrangement, I think it's my best yet. People never know how boring an interview can be if it's not edited well. (Go read some of my earlier interviews if you're curious.) So it's exciting and gratifying to see myself growing as a writer and as a journalist. I'm not "there" yet, but being even half a step closer is a big deal.

I booked a flight to Nashville for next month. I'm waiting for Bobby Long's American publicist to confirm the interview that his English manager confirmed this morning.
Thus, the run-around.
I can't wait. I've been listening to him a lot lately. I began writing questions for this interview before I ever knew that I'd be interviewing him. Because he's attached to the Twilight mania, I'm really looking forward to giving him an opportunity to answer questions that don't pertain to vampires or what his ideal first date would be.
I like Nashville because of its blatant music vibe. It'll be nice to go back.

Post-Nashville is a post-birthday visit with my better half in the city of my birth, Atlanta.
Looking forward to: quality time with Nick.
Not looking forward to: Atlanta.
Of all of the major American cities I've visited, Atlanta is easily my least favorite. It takes all of the things I don't like about St. Louis and amplifies them.
The time with Nick will trump my disdain for the city, though.
I have a half brother who I barely know in Atlanta, but his mother is crazy. I'd rather just maybe avoid that madness all together.

This week has been so positive that I've even made the (probably bad) decision to reconnect with someone who... kinda left me in a lame position a few years back.
But. We live. We learn.
And if some of us don't, you can always delete them from your friends list and make your profile private.

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